Abstract The objective of this study was to determine the effects of various irrigation solutions on root canal dentine and gutta-percha surface properties. In addition, the effects of disinfectant chemicals on the wettability and surface morphological properties of the filling materials were evaluated. Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), citric acid, and ozone […]
Daily Archives: July 20, 2018
Abstract Age- and disease (osteoporotic fractured and osteoarthritic tissue)-related changes in the distribution of cortical bone were examined, using a multimodality approach, including measurement of local density, geometry and mechanical properties, where changes in these properties can give rise to instability and increasing probability of fracture. In contrast to the […]
Abstract The degradation of the main fibrillar collagens, collagens I and II, is a crucial process for skeletal development. The most abundant dipeptides generated from the catabolism of collagens contain proline and hydroxyproline. In humans, prolidase is the only enzyme able to hydrolyze dipeptides containing these amino acids at their […]
We would like to thank Allen and colleagues for their thorough review of reference point indentation (RPI) for assessing bone mechanical properties in vivo.(1) The authors have focused on two separate RPI devices, the BioDent® and the OsteoProbe®, and have gone to great lengths to compare and contrast these instruments, which differ considerably […]
Abstract OBJECTIVE: To compare results obtained with a handheld reference point indentation instrument for bone material strength index (BMSi) measurements in the equine third metacarpal bone for various testing conditions. SAMPLE: 24 third metacarpal bones. PROCEDURES: Third metacarpal bones from both forelimbs of 12 horses were obtained. The dorsal surface […]
Abstract Diabetes and osteoporosis are both common diseases with increasing prevalences in the aging population. There is increasing evidence corroborating an association between diabetes mellitus and bone. This review will discuss the disease complications of diabetes on the skeleton, highlighting findings from epidemiological, molecular, and imaging studies in animal models […]
Abstract Although low bone mineral density (BMD) is strongly associated with increased fracture risk, up to 50% of those who suffer fractures are not detected as high-risk patients by BMD testing. Thus, new approaches may improve identification of those at increased risk for fracture by in vivo assessment of altered […]
Abstract Type 1 collagen matrix volume, its degree of completeness of its mineralization, the extent of collagen crosslinking and water content, and the non-collagenous proteins like osteopontin and osteocalcin comprise the main constituents of bone’s material composition. Each influences material strength and change in different ways during advancing age, health, […]
Abstract Deformations of vertebrae and sudden fractures of long bones caused by essentially normal loading are a characteristic problem in osteoporosis. If the loading is normal, then the explanation for and prediction of unexpected bone failure lies in understanding the mechanical properties of the whole bone-which come from its internal […]
Abstract In addition to the loss in bone volume that occurs with age, there is a decline in material properties. To test new therapies or diagnostic tools that target such properties as material strength and toughness, a pre-clinical model of aging would be useful in which changes in bone are […]